Megan + Justin/ Crosley Estate Mansion, Sarasota, FL
Some stories are just worth telling…
More than Ten years ago Megan and Justin worked together as
teenagers. One day Megan shared with Justin
about some letters she had written to her future husband. Justin being the typical 16 year old guy
thought this was a little shy of crazy, yet also a bit extraordinary for a girl
his age. Fast forward a number of
years. Justin began to work with the
youth at his church. One evening he was
able to speak to the kids about issues of wisdom and purity. He remembered the stunning girl so may years
ago. She had written some letters to her future husband; thanking God for him
and wanting him to now she was waiting for him whoever he was, in more ways
than one. Justin thought he might let
that girl of long ago know that her actions had inspired him and a lot of other
teens as well to do likewise.
Megan continued to write letters as the years went on. Waiting and wondering if and when she would
meet that special someone. Just as she
was in one of the worst times of her life a Facebook message from a random guy
came through. As Megan read the message
she wondered who he was. After a brief
reminder she recalled Justin from high school, and thought it was sweet of him
to contract her.
Not too much later Megan found herself a little lost having
strayed from the plans she knew that God had placed in her heart long ago. She needed help but hadn’t anyone to turn to.
Then she thought of Justin. She thought
perhaps he would be willing to help.
Well it turns out he was. Due to
the fact that he is a fire fighter, Justin is a bit of a rescuing type of
guy. And that is just what he did. He drove across the state, helped Megan move
away from her old life and back home again.
Megan reinstated her walk with Jesus.
As they both continued to seek the Lord and focus on becoming the person
the person they were looking for was looking for, they grew closer and
Last month I had the extraordinary pleasure of photographing
this beautiful union. Megan beautifully presented her groom- to -be those
precious letters she began so long ago just for him. It is truly one of the most sublime moments I
have had the privilege to witness. So
now I have the pleasure of sharing some of the moments of this day with you.